Thursday, December 2, 2004

Something is very wrong here

My door must have had a circuit go awry somewhere because it didn't lock yesterday; so I took a much needed opportunity to scout about and see what the deal with this building is. I think I'm underground or something. There are no windows anywhere and the only thing resembling one I found looked directly out into... well, maybe a river or reservoir or something. It was just a very large body of water, and from my vantage point I couldn't see the top or bottom of it. I saw the two freakshows, *NAME DELETED* and *NAME DELETED*, working as per usual. They were fawning over some new discovery with the "foreign substance" and were too distracted to notice me nab a few copied pages of their research. I hid it in my room, almost afraid to read it, and am waiting for the right time. I guess there really aren't any cameras behind the mirrors because their damned military men would have stomped in here and taken them from me. Their constantly around now, the guards, and some of them are even getting involved in the work. They never speak, I mean never speak, and always keep their masks and gloves on; strange folk. One of them was wheezing so badly I had to ask him to back up from me as I couldn't concentrate. For a guy wearing what looks like a respirator he sounded terrible. I don't quite understand how I've just gotten right back into my work without... resistance, I suppose is the correct word. "*COMPANY NAME DELETED* takes care of its own!" seems correct. I'm almost enjoying myself here, somehow. I heard something strange late last night while I was sleeping: there was this almost feral roaring from somewhere else in the building and a great crash. Shortly after the intercom was on and saying that everything i sunder control and there was an accident involving a clumsy guard and some equipment, and not to worry. There were four long, and very deep, scratch marks along one of the corridors I walked down today. I'm content as things are, but they are very strange, and increasingly so as the weeks progress. Isn't Christmas coming up? What should I get for my nephew?