Monday, November 15, 2004


Something bad happened today. We encountered this "foreign substance" the mad scientist has been ranting about. A few of us have taken to calling him this as he fits the description to a capitol 'T', *NAME DELETED*, *NAME DELETED*, and *NAME DELETED* all think he's a serial killer or something. In a rather unsettling way *NAME DELETED* is very adamant about that belief. Anyway, today my team was checking a few water samples and when we put one under the microscope there was this... thing. It was moving so much and in such a deliberate fashion we zoomed in for a closer look and... well, it looked like a damn microscopic leech. We were all so consumed with this that we didn't see the mad scientist and Dr. *NAME DELETED*, the super phlebotomist, power down our microscope. They came in with guards we'd never seen in the building before: armed guards, at that, with full on combat boots, black kevlar gloves and what appeared to be gasmasks, or maybe breathing apparatus, I'm not sure. They took the sample from us and dismissed us for the day, telling us to retire to our cubicles and relax. We were called back later that day to the lab to be informed Dr. *NAME DELETED* had hung himself in his room. It came as such a shock, granted he seemed very on edge as of late and getting worse, but suicide?! It's strange how people can just decide to do this, but work must continue regardless, and they already have someone sent for to fill in his position. *NAME DELETED*... damnit man. They wouldn't give us any details on his suicide, just that he hung himself, which must have taken some ingenuity as I'm noticing there are no bars, rafters, or really anything in which to hang something, let alone a person, from. None at all...