Monday, November 8, 2004


What a week! I wasn't even in the building for a half hour before I was thrust into work; my panel of supervisors are extremely calculating in their ability to interest a body in working immediately. And, I must say, it would have been polite to maybe have mentioned that we'll all be staying on premises at all times, including living on-site in these oddly sterile-feeling cubicle studios. My paranoid side likes to mock my already piqued insecurity by swearing in my thoughts there are cameras behind every mirror in my apartment, of which there are many. So, in answer to this problem (and for my own amusement as well as continued sanity), I've taken to making funny faces at them while I shave. Seems to work. MAN, these people I'm working with are strange! The Super Phlebotomist is something out of a comic book: I couldn't hope to pronounce her name, something like *NAME DELETED* maybe... not sure, and she's hot! She looks about mid 30's although she keeps talking about experiments from World War II era like she was there for it. And it IS a neurosurgeon working with us! He keeps bringing out these charts of various affects of toxins and "foreign substances" on the brain and explains them with such abstract jargon and extreme excitement it's not only difficult to follow, but exhausting to watch. Some of the other engineers on the team seem really nervous about something; maybe I'm just the new guy, but they really all do appear to be on edge most of the time. We're not allowed to interact with one another, hence the constant blogging. Seriously; we're locked into our rooms once our shift is over and anything we require is simply a click of the mouse away through our intranet. *COMPANY NAME DELETED*: Cleaner water for a Cleaner Lifestyle; amusingly that motto seems tenuous as, despite our efforts, the toxin levels are not reducing in the slightest; in fact they seem to be climbing steadily.